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Karen Bettilyon

I received my elementary and secondary education in Bountiful, Utah. In high school I did a lot of the art work for the school newspaper, proms, school theater productions, posters for the halls and the weekly inspiration for student banner. My school class notes were all covered in small renderings and doodles. I attended the University of Utah and was majoring in art. Art was my love, but as with all advice received from my father, he wanted me to be able to earn a living and business ended up being my future. Property Management and Development at The Bettilyon Corporation became my field as well as I leased office space, designed space and worked with the construction contractors. We retired in 2001.


I went 37 years without picking up a brush as it seemed working full time, raising children and the lack of having a space in my home to do art resulted in my putting art on the back burner. We moved part-time to St. George to get out of the snow and cold. I took my first watercolor class in 2004 from Roland Lee. It was an eye-opener to this new world in which I fell in love. I have taken many workshops and classes from these mentors and others: Roland Lee, Harold D. Olsen, Fran Larsen, Lian Quan Zehn, Robert Buridge, David Lobenberg, Richard Stephens, Kristie Grussendorf, Feelin Lin, Jana Parkin and I look forward to many workshops to come my way and the learning process.


I am an active signature member in the Dixie Watercolor Society and currently serve on the Board of Directors. I have been fortunate to win a number of awards for my paintings at the DWS shows. I am also a member of the Utah Watercolor Society. I have had three shows at the Cottonwood Country Club starting in 2012 for every two years and I was fortunate to have good sales at each one. I have also participated in Art in the Afternoon at the Cottonwood Country Club. Being with other artists is energizing as we all have the same goal towards creative endeavors.


Transparent watercolor is an exciting medium wherein the unexpected is always expected. It is a challenge of discovery and discipline. I always wait the “aha” moment when my art comes together and it is a creation that gives me the sense of accomplishment.

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Dixie Watercolor Society

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